
PicJoke Or Picture Jokes

Monday, May 17, 2010

The world is in a fast track and everybody is running behind their commitments. Most of us don't get time to read a book or content of article page by page, but all are interested in knowing current affairs and news. Pictures plays a major role in this part. Instead of reading the whole article, One picture with a single liner makes us understand the content of the heading. We may not get a detailed story, but we are aware of the content that makes us satisfied. At this point of time, cartoonists used their cartoons with a joke to make the matter interesting.

Picture jokes are of different types, that may be of current issues, the photos that you have taken in your life, the photos taken at the sequence of a comedy situation, photos with pets, etc.. The header name is picture, it might be of cartoons, paintings, photo illustration, ordinary drawings, or of any shapes.

I have got some pictures to make you fun. Click on the images for clear visibility. Post your comments whatever you feel. Just add your links in comments if you have any pictures.


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